Custom Work

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We specialize in custom work.  Here are some examples:


                            Tile Mural, 4'x3'Floral                                        Rose's Bowl

The image used for the mural is one of our standard fractals, with some color changes.  The digital image for the mural was re-rendered at very high resolution to maintain and enhance the detail.  The tiles are 6"x6" and they are laid tightly together on thick plywood.  The tiles overlap the plywood to give the floating appearance.  The impetus for Rose's Bowl came from a challenge to the artist to mathematically re-create a real bowl.  The original bowl is a 19th century antique.  Rose's Bowl started out as a custom piece but the client has relinquished exclusive rights so it is available, in a limited edition, to  the public. It is also available in a 3D version.


Another view of the mural


"Hole #13" from a Fantasy Golf Course

Our custom work ranges from simply changing the colors or size of an existing image to creating an entirely new picture with collaboration between the artist and client.  We would like to emphasize that when we make large images, we don't just blow them up, we re-render them so that detail is not just maintained, but actually enhanced.  If you want something really special, just contact us.